Shawn D , Amazing Mazei & Torren D
Sundogs / Scorpions game was it's usual variety of dirty , chippy hockey
and great stuff.
The Sundogs seemed hell bent to pick on Torren Delforte & Make McDonald.
But they just stiffened their resolve.
We had some good fights. Robertson vs/ Sellan- I gave this one to Robertson.
Bowles vs/ Kolanos - I think a tie. But Sammy got a couple of beauts in .
MacInnis vs / Liebel - Gotta give it to Aaron. He was pissed. Liebel must have done
something to get MacInnis so riled up.
There were 2 empty net goal for the Scorps. Jamie Harrington got one. Craig MacDonald got the other.
Seth Leonard had 2 goals for the Scorps.
Torren Delforte had 3 assists.
Joel Irving had 2 goals for the Sundogs as did Adam Perry.
It could have a little less dirty & been a great game.
Over all I would say it was the Scorps best game to date.
The Scorps play the same team tonight. So stay tuned.
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