Andrew Martin 2007-08
New Mexico Scorpions
The new season starts for the Scorpions with many changes. Unlike some teams who have so many returning players the Scorpions don't. We have 6 returning players on a 17 man roster. Things take time to settle in and for them to get a feel for each other on the ice. The Scorpions opened their season at home against the Laredo Bucks.
The first game against the Bucks we got schooled. There was a lack of defensive effort & we needed help in goal. An 8 -2 loss is hard to take. We now have enforcers who will keep the Goons off our Boys. That's one good thing. But almost a moot point when loosing so badly. While we all know that the referees can't see everything having them for an opponent is another matter. When I talked to the Scorpion players after the game they realized that their performance was lacking. There will be another chance to step up & gain some momentum in a positive direction.
The second game was a much better showing. The final result the same. Having the defense show up was a major factor in keeping the scoring against the Scorpions down. The Goaltender still seems to have a problem with getting scored on when he goes down. I was told by a Scorpions player that he had a long off season from the end of his season in Ireland. They both feel that he will improve with play. I wish I could have taken a picture of the stunned looks on the Bucks at the end of the first period. The Scorps lead the Bucks 3-0. The Scorpions played a really good first periond. The Bucks are not the kind of team to just give up & the game ended in a 4-4 tie at the end of regulation. With 2:58 left in OT the Bucks scored. While loosing is never easy, it was a boost for the Scorpions knowing that they played one of the best teams in the Central Hockey League as well as they did this early in the season.
There was an after the game gathering at a local establishmet. The Boys got to meet & mingle with their fans. It's part of what makes CHL hockey so much fun. I talked to Andy Smale about the lack of our Captain being on the ice. He said that
"Vlady (Vladimer Hartinger) brings not only experience & wisdom but heart." Very good qualities for a Captain.
We have guys like Tommy Kotsopoulos , David Simoes , Blair Stayzer ,Shawn Skiehar , Ross McCain , guys who make the
Scorpions tougher and create sparks.
We have 2 new Goalies , Mike Minard & Andrew Martin. I have yet to see the resuls I have hoped for but it is early in the
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