I had 2 interviews with Matt Fricks father Bob Frick.
For the record Matt Frick was taken advantage by this team and treated like yesterdays trash.
The following post came from the CHL Forums. By Matt Fricks father.
Matt made the unfortunate mistake of signing a document at his exit interview last Spring stating he was "OK" when he, his coach, the trainer, the owner himself, and the team doctor knew that was not the case. Matt has learned several valuable lessons from this debacle. First, you must read what you sign and had he noted that he wasn't fully recovered from an on-ice injury, all of this might have been avoided.
Matt injured his lower back several weeks before the end of the regular season, received several injections, and was given a "cocktail" 1-1/2 hours before games. He played in a great deal of pain for an extended period of time.
The team doctor examined him, took X-rays (which were negative) and daignosed him with a muscle or nerve problem. He told Matt to rest for a few months, start building up his workout routine, and then test it on the ice. Matt followed the doctors orders. When he treid skating ahrd, the pain returned. He and I contacted the scorps and were instructed to get an MRI and were given the Fax number for the doctor to fax the invoice to. Then, as Matt puts it, the Scorps pulled the rug out from under him by saying that they would not pay for the MRI. In addition, we were told that the owner didn't want to bring Matt to camp if he was injured. Matt was, therefore, caught in a revolving door. He had signed his contract before coming home for the summer, he was still trying to recover from an injury that occcurred last season, but his team wouldn't pay to find out what the problem was. I have enough experience with back injuries to know that if the X-rays don't show anything, trying a chiropractor isn't a bad way to go. The first visit to the chiropractor revealed that Matt's hips were knocked out of alignment. The first thing any "Orthopod" I've ever been to checked this out first. Matt has been undergoing aggressive treatment, has been doing the prescribed therapy, and is responding as anticipated.
Matt asked for and has been granted his unconditional release making him a free agent. I confirmed that the CHL office has received this from the Scorps.
The bottom line is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and loyalty is something that runs deep in the Frick family. Matt was deeply hurt that, after playing in pain for so long, his team hung him out to dry. He was especially shocked that Dave Ellett, a former player, would say that he had hurt his back after he left the team for the summer. He knows better, because he was on the ice with Matt in practices and saw how he struggled. It's uinfortunate that a club would treat it's players, especially one who has been as loyal as Matt, not much better than Mike Vick treated his dogs.......another lesson learned.
If anyone has any specific questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at fricker88@msn.com.