For a hockey lover nothing is worse than the off season. Players want to play & fans want to watch.
Fans scan emails , websites & MySpace to glean any news of the season to come.
We are waiting for the favorites to return, waiting to see what rookies will appear. Hating the league for
it's stupid "Vet" rules. Who is a favorite for some may not be for others.
We wait to see what "enforcers" will protect our boys. Will there be Coaching changes? Who will be our
Owners change , GM changes , teams fold , teams struggle. Ticket prices , barn food , the price of beer.
Can't smoke in the barn , the price of jerseys, auctions , tailgates & taking pictures.
Hockey is the greatest sport ever.
Now the NHL'ers are playing for "The Cup". Lord Stanley's Cup is the oldest trophy in professional sports.
Last year I got to see it and touch it. The names appearing in each ring , representing years gone by. It
gave me chill bumps. Over a year later I still get choked up thinking about the players who struggled so hard
& gave their all to earn the right to hoist that Cup over their heads.
Every player as a boy dreams of that moment. Skating with that Cup held over his head. Every player in every
league has had that dream.
The fans have that dream for their favorite players. Dave Andrechuck played 22 season in the NHL before he
won The Cup. To dream so long & then finally able to savor the pure joy of that last win. Then there is no
pain ! Just happiness.