The Scorpions have played 13 games now. We have a couple of newer guys I have been keeping an eye on. And the returning Vets & tweeners. They are 7-5-1 and have one shutout.
Konrad Reeder is our leading scorer. He is like "Cool Hand Luke" He just digs in & smiles. He is the guy who just tries harder when you mess with him. Conrats to KR & his wife on their new baby. Dominic Osman is our 2 guy. He is very intense on the ice & a really nice guy. Jay Holladay is a really nice guy. He has had some good games. He can be everywhere pushing the other team. Then there is our beloved Kevin Harvey. He has improved his level of play so much his second year with us. He has matured & doesn't go wild man like he used too. He knows that the Refs will call things on him even if he doesn't start it.
There is Ross McCain & Blair Stayzer . Mature players who don't get rattled & who add layers of experience to a team with
so many rookies.
There is one singing goalie , He is pretty good & way funny. MIke Minard
There is one shut out goalie. Not the same guy as above. *wink* Andrew Martin
They had 2 mohawk guys , now they are down to one. We miss you TK. Kevin Harvey & Tommy Kotopolous
They have had some sucess & it seems like the boys are getting the hang of each other.
There are guys who love hockey & are trying hard to do their best. It's fun to watch when it working. And the hope for better is just a few steps way.
Here is too more good hockey !